Friday 1 October 2010

Friday – A Chinese wedding, Fijian style!

Our day was spent much the same as any other; reading on the beach, snorkelling on the reef, watching the tide come and go, and awaiting the midday arrival of the big yellow catamaran to take away the leavers and drop off the new-comers.


Our life has turned into a peaceful existence, which we are trying hard not to take for granted, as we will soon be leaving this island paradise.

As the sun started it’s journey towards the horizon we had a different evening in store. 

A young Chinese couple, Elena from Sydney and Ding from Shanghai were to get married on the beach in front of the resort.  As this was their first of 4 weddings (1st in Fiji, with just each other, 2nd in Sydney, 3rd in Ding’s hometown outside Shanghai, and the 4th in Elena’s hometown, also just outside Shanghai) the honourable guests would be their fellow resort friends.

Elena was led out onto the beach by 2 traditionally dressed Fijian men, with a Chinese version of ‘My heart will go on’  playing in the background.  The waves lapped at their feet as they spoke through their chosen verses, and the Fijian choir sang beautifully.

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As the ceremony ended there was grand applause for the happy couple.

We decided to grab a ‘happy hour’ G&T and sit watching the sun go down.

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Tonight was one of our favourite nights (we are well into our second week here, and now know what activity is happening each night)…Fijian Meke night with a traditional Lovo dinner!!



To Nicola’s horror (secretly she loves it!!) she was pulled up again during the ‘audience participation round’…Ben’s tactic of holding the camera when this is about to start seems to work, as he has not been picked either week!

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