Monday, 5 July 2010

Saturday – Picton to Havelock…the green shell mussel capital of the WORLD!

First on the agenda this morning was a tramp (hike) in the beautiful Picton area.  We were recommended a loop along Queen Charlotte Sound to Bob’s Bay.  It took us through bush along the eastern side of Picton Harbour.

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Bob’s Bay itself was a small sheltered bay that offered stunning views out across Queen Charlotte Sound.  We strolled along the beach and stopped to take in the scenery.


We were even lucky enough to see a starfish in the shallows, so Nicola bravely paddled in for an underwater shot…if you zoom in on this photo the detail is amazing (the one of the starfish obviously)!

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The walk back to Picton on the upper track was equally as stunning, and once we were back at the van we jumped in and started our scenic drive along Queen Charlotte Drive to Havelock.  On route we stopped at various lookouts, the best being the Cullen Point Lookout which gave us amazing views over the small fishing town of Havelock, and to the snow cap peaks beyond.


As we dropped down into Havelock we drove straight to the camp site and parked up.  Next stop was our restaurant of choice for that evening, the world famous Mussel Pot, to check out the menu and take a couple of snaps!


Back at the van we read for the afternoon and went to pay our dues at the office…where fate changed our plans!  The lovely lady who runs the place kindly gave us a huge bag full of green shell mussels for free…and gave us a crash course on how to cook them!! 


So, no eating out (well it was still an option if all went pear shaped)…we ran down the bottle shop and got ourselves a bottle of Marlborough’s finest (discounted) sauvignon blanc and Ben googled ‘how to’ guides just to be sure we were not going to give ourselves food poisoning!  Then started the great experiment…a white wine and garlic broth to steam them in and 6 at a time they met their maker (they are alive when you throw them in the pot).

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You will be happy to know…they were delicious, and definitely  the biggest mussels either of us had ever had!


Last word of today goes to Dad Fenton….HAPPY BIRTHDAY, we hope you have had a lovely day celebrating!! 

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