Thursday 4 March 2010

Thursday - trail number 9...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY!!

Today we had decided to do one of the famed Highlands trails, and had selected number jungle walk 9 and 9A as it was recommended as being a rather tame one (some were tough going hikes into the hills).

So, our tame walk began at the other end of town and had us descend to Robinson Falls, which was a lovely if not slightly calm waterfall fed by a small stream that we had been walking parallel to.

Next we had to make a turn onto 9A which headed deeper into the jungle, after the warnings in the Lonely Planet guide Nicola was very hesitant about this thought, as apparently the common inhabitant of the jungle was 2 types of leech!!

We on the other hand seemed to encounter other creatures instead (not that Nicola minded); first we came across a rather sleepy looking lizard, the type both of us had only ever seen in a zoo before!  It was sat right on the path we were walking along, so a careful passing was required, although Ben did make a point that it was the size of Nicola's foot and therefore would be hard pressed to attack her!!

The tame walk soon changed for us, as there were many fallen trees which we had to climb over - some proved easier than others, especially seeing as the path was very slippery in places and we were walking very close to a steep edge.

Next on the animal spotting hit list was the biggest centipede we had ever seen...hard to show this in a photo, but we attempted this by putting Nicola's size 8's next to it!

As the path got more treacherous we were making our decent down to a road, and the local tea plantations and fruit farms were coming into view.

The route back was a long and hard slog uphill along the road side for 9kms back to Tanah Rata, tough even in this cooler climate!

Back at our nissan hut, we showered and rested and made the decision to have our 4th Indian in a row!

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