Monday 8 February 2010

Sunday and Monday...two days of rest!

Yes people, you read right...we spent 2 days doing nothing!!!  We had decided to make the most of our peaceful bungalow by the river!!  So, not much to report...just chilling out and reading.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks like absolute paradise! I shouldn't have come on to your blog just now as I've just had 2 and a half hours of a very intense Parents' Evening, so the green-eyed monster has well and truly attacked! You lucky, lucky people! Hope you're enjoying the rest and beautiful surroundings, I'm sure you are!
    lots of love to you both
    Adele xx
    PS Thanks for the latest postcards, the kids were so excited to get one just for them! Joe is in hospital next Monday having grommets fitted, keep your fingers crossed that it works as well as last time
