Thursday 11 February 2010

Lazy Laos-y Days

Yesterday we accustomed ourselves to the Vang Vieng pace of life, and after breakfast (worst of the trip so far !!) snagged ourselves a couple of sun-loungers and spent the day chilled out by the pool, before enjoying the spectacular sunset and a lovely dinner.

Today we did what everybody else in Vang Vieng does - after breakfast (equally bad) we wandered round the corner to the tubing shop, where we rented a pumped up inner tube each, were driven a couple of miles up river in a tuk-tuk then left to our own devices to float back to town.

As its the dry season the river is low and the currents really weak, so progress was slow - happily there were a number of riverside bars on the way to stop off for a cold Beerlao, and it gave us a chance to admire the spectacular scenery and local wildlife - Nicola particularly liked the river snake which swam across our paths at one point !!

Back at the hotel we sat by the pool again before heading into town for dinner.

Off to Vientiane in the morning !!


  1. Had to click on the picture of Nicola with beer to zoom in on your hand - I thought you'd had a tattoo done! It looks to be blue marker pen, unless you have indeed got yourself a blue tattoo! I want more details about the terrible breakfasts, please - intriguing, how can they get breakfast so wrong?!

  2. No thing i would never be tempted to do!! We had to be 'branded' with our tube number so they could keep tabs on who had returned their tube...if you didn't there was a hefty fine. Terrible breakfast basically equalled the option of a buffet that had been prepared at 6:30am (when they started serving) and left to go cold. As much as we wanted to be up at 6:30 to see if it was any better, we never quite made it before 8!! The choice was also pretty poor - fried egg or omelet, and stale bread...yum!!
